Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Internet Message Format
From: dada@CAM.ORG (Stephane Lajoie)
Newsgroups: rec.games.programmer
Subject: Re: *.INS, *.BNK file formats
Date: 25 Jul 1994 15:32:48 -0400
Organization: Communications Accessibles Montreal, Quebec Canada
-=> Ghost@wam.umd.edu wrote:
Gh> ...so far I have found the *.ROL format; now, all I need are the
Gh> formats for *.INS format (BADLY!) and the *.BNK format.
I really don't know the format of *.INS files, but the folks at AdLib wrote
something to put those in a .BNK file. So you no longer need the INS file
format as long as you can find someone who has an AdLib with the utilities.
Well, I happen to have all this, so you can zip your .INS and send them to
me (uuencoded). I'll return you a BNK file.
As for the BNK format, here it is:
File header:
1 byte Version, major
1 byte Version, minor
6 bytes Signature, "ADLIB-"
1 word Number of records (total)
1 word Number of records (used)
1 dword File offset of beginning of name section
1 dword File offset of beginning of data section
8 bytes Zero
Name section record:
1 word Index into data section
1 byte 0 if record used, 1 otherwise
9 bytes Zero-terminated instrument name
Data section record:
1 byte 0=melodic instrument 1=percussive instrument
1 byte Voice number (for percussive instruments)
13 bytes Operator 0 parameters (see below)
13 bytes Operator 1 parameters
1 byte Operator 0 wave form
1 byte Operator 1 wave form
Operator parameters:
1 byte Key scale level
1 byte Frequency multiplier
1 byte Feed back
1 byte Attack rate
1 byte Sustain level
1 byte Sustaining sound
1 byte Decay rate
1 byte Release rate
1 byte Output level
1 byte Amplitude vibrato
1 byte Frequency vibrato
1 byte Envelope scaling
1 byte 0=FM sound 1=Additive sound
(last field for operator 0 only, unused for operator 1)
Total size: sizeof(Header) + Header.RecTotal * (sizeof(name) + sizeof(data))
Name section is sorted alphabetically, with unused records at the end.
Practical order is: Header, Name section, Data section.
That's all I can think of... You can send questions and/or INS files to
Dada@cam.org. Hope you don't have a million INS... :)
| Stephane Lajoie (Dada) |
| Internet: dada@cam.org |